Why Should You Join the NTA?
A National Voice
The need for a national voice is a compelling reason to be a part of an association of Baptist churches. This association of churches stands for an exalted view of God; the absolute priority of the Scripture, doctrinal clarity, personal holiness, and recognition of proper Biblical authority. It is a national channel for common interests and causes and is a national reference for churches.
The NTA is a national fellowship of thoroughly Biblical Baptist churches. Your church would stand with a growing number of strong Biblical and separatist local churches on like faith, part of a membership covering many states.
Those who travel or relocate to your area can more-easily find your church, as it will be listed in the NTA Directory. Likewise, when your members vacation or move, you can recommend a good NTA church to them.
You can have a part in the Annual Meetings which are held for the spiritual uplift of all who attend. There is a maximum of blessings and a minimum of business.
The NTA does not have any state or local organization, although we maintain a fraternal relationship with many state associations of like faith and practice. The NTA is simply an organization without “conventions” or hierarchy.
You can share in a growing ministry of new-church planting. You can encourage and help new churches by participating in the annual “Land for the Lord” offering.
Churches vote to affiliate (or withdraw) if the Lord so leads. The autonomy of the local church is strictly protected by the NTA constitution. The NTA exists to support the local church, not to attempt to rule it in any manner.
The NTA National Representative is available to preach in your church and represent the NTAIBC. He is also available for conseling with pastors and churches, and provides pastoral referral when requested.
Affiliation is open only to Baptist churches of strong Biblical convictions. Applicant churches are received at the Annual Meetings, with newly-accepted members receiving an attractive “Affiliation” certificate, suitable for framing and display. Annual “Honor Church” recognition is given to churches which faithfully support the NTA missionary work.
Internal Revenue Service recognition was granted to the NATIBC in 1976 for our affiliated churches which meet the following requirements:
- have adopted dissolution and non-political clauses in their church Constitution
- have a local church employer identification number which is easily secured from any IRS office.
- have filed a letter in the NTA office requesting coverage under the NTA.
This IRS recognition for our qualifying churches is a protection to each giver of record that reports their gifts as deductions in computing income tax. All NTA churches which have not secured such status with the IRS individually (a lengthy process) are urged to complete the three simple steps above to secure this income tax protection for their members.
While many churches, recently organized and chartered under state laws as non-profit organizations, may already have clauses to cover the following in their constitutions, we remind you that the IRS requires that for IRS recognition as non-profit tax-exempt organizations, each church needs to have both dissolution and non-political provisions. If your church does not yet meet these requirements, the following are suggested for your church adoption.
The NTA is an approved endorsing agency for chaplains to serve in the United States military services. Young well-qualified seminary graduates interested in serving the Lord in this great mission field are invited to contact the NTA office.
See also “The NTAIBC: A Voice for the Voiceless” and the Frequently-Asked Questions page for further information.