About the NTAIBC

 In the early 1960’s, a group of pastors and layment felt a growing concern that an unashamedly Biblical, Baptistic, separatistic, pretribulational, premillenial association of churches be in existence. This concern led to a call for such an association at a meeting in Chicago. A committee was formed to formulate plans and to report to a meeting the following year in Denver. On May 28, 1964, action was taken at Beth Eden Baptist Church in Denver to create such an association, to adopt a provisional constitution and confession of faith, and to elect the association’s first trustees.


Pastor Garry Thompson

At Indianapolis, on June 10, 1966, the New Testament Association of Independent Baptist Churches was formally organized, with twenty-seven churches initially affiliated. Bernie Frey become the first NTA coordinator in 1972, but was suddenly called home to glory in April of 1974. Dr. Virgil Arrowood was called to serve as the NTA representative in 1974; he and his wife coordinated the work until his retirement in 1989. Dr. Earle Matteson served as the national representative until his retirement in 2000. Dr. Richard Paige served with the NTA from 2001 until his retirement in June of 2010.  The current National Representative is Pastor Garry Thompson beginning his service in June of 2010.

The NTA was granted a Group Tax Exempt Number for its affiliated churches in 1976 by the Internal Revenue Service.

The Association was approved as an Endorsing Agency for Chaplains in the United States Military in 1985.

While the growth of the Association has been slow, it has been steady, numbering within its ranks many solid, independent Baptist Churches throughout the country. Membership currently includes one hundred twenty-five congregations. The Constitution of the NTABIC is simple, with strong safeguards protecting the autonomy of the local churches, yet providing the blessings of fellowship among affiliating Baptist churches. The Statement of Faith is clear and Biblical in every respect.

A growing concern that an unashamedly Biblical, Baptistic, separatistic, pretribulation, premillenial association of churches be in existence led a group of pastors and laymen within the framework of the Conservative Baptist Association of America to consider such a new association in the early 1960’s. In the fall of 1963 a call to discuss such an association brought many pastors and laymen to a meeting in Marquette Manor Baptist Church in Chicago. A temporary organization set up a committee of 21 to formulate plans and report the next year in Denver. There, on May 28, 1964, at Beth Eden Baptist Church, action was taken to adopt provisionally a Constitution and Confession of Faith, and to elect the first trustees. In Indianapolis, Indiana, the New Testament Association of Independent Baptist Churches was formally organized on June 10, 1965, with twenty-seven churches affiliating.

The NTA Statement of Faith is clear and Biblical in every respect. The Constitution is simple with strong safeguards against conventionism, yet providing the blessings of fellowship among affiliating Baptist churches.

Rev. Bernie Frey became the first NTA Coordinator in 1972, but was suddenly called home to glory in April of 1974. Dr. Virgil Arrowood was called to serve as the NTA representative in 1974. He and Mrs. Arrowood coordinated the work until his retirement in 1989. Dr. Earle Matteson was asked to serve as National Representative after Dr. Arrowood’s retirement. Dr. Matteson retired in 2000. Dr. Richard Paige, Jr. accepted the call of the Board of Trustees to become the National Representative in June of 2001.  In June of 2010 Dr. Paige retired and the Board of Trustees called Pastor Garry Thompson to be the National Representative.

Additional information about the NTAIBC can be obtained by contacting  Pastor Garry Thompson.

In 2005 the NTAIBC instituted this Website, which gives detailed information, news, important documents, and the previous year’s issues of the TESTIMONIES paper, which is a quarterly publication.

The NTAIBC offers to churches the following:

  • A National Fellowship
  • A National Voice on Issues
  • An Annual Meeting
  • A National Representative to visit the churches and speak
  • Participation in New Church Planting
  • Recognition to Endorse Chaplains for the Armed Forces
  • IRS Blanket Exemption Coverage
  • A Quarterly Paper entitled “The TESTIMONIES”
  • Encouragement and Counsel for Churches and Pastors
  • Referral Services as needed for Pastors and Churches

The NTAIBC is totally supported by the voluntary giving of our affiliated churches.